Abki Baar..... Sirf Rojgar

Abki Baar Modi Sarkar was the election slogan. That has not helped people. What can be a good slogan and solution from the point of common people?

Abki Baar Modi Sarkar was the election slogan. That has not helped people. What can be a good slogan and solution from the point of common people? Here is a variation of that slogan. Abki Baar Sirf Rojgar is the title of a booklet unveiled yesterday by the Centre of Indian Trade Unions in Pune to highlight the real, most crucial problem before the nation - the need to create employment.

The booklet is priced only Rs. twenty and makes a very rational case citing facts and figures.

The programme was organised by Shramik Pratishthan which was set up by Govind Pansare, the Communist leader, who was killed by communalists in 2015. The Pratishthan is doing very good work in various fields including organising lectures in memory of his son Avi who died in a road crash some years ago. Avi’s wife Megha Pansare is playing a leading role in the Pratishthan.

MGNREGA provides job security only to certain sections of workers. It should be extended to other fields including services, sanitation, cleaning rivers and gutters, soil conservation, water purification and so on.

Ajit Abhyankar, CITU leader in Pune, cites some very interesting figures on the employment issue. He says there is a widespread impression that the Indian public sector, government offices are overstaffed. In fact, there is low employment in these organisations and that is the reason service delivery is affected.

He says there are only 16 public sector jobs per thousand population in India. In contrast even capitalist countries provide more jobs in the public sector, the U.S. has 75 jobs per one thousand population, Britain 111, France 114 and Sweden 168.

Abhyankar says efforts are also being made to create an alternative budget at the national level with a concrete plan for new forms of taxation and increasing revenue

He says MGNREGA provides job security only to certain sections of workers. It should be extended to other fields including services, sanitation, cleaning rivers and gutters, soil conservation, water purification and so on. It would greatly help in improving our rural and urban environment.

So the Left is certainly offering concrete solutions, not just resorting to criticism. Abhyankar says efforts are also being made to create an alternative budget at the national level with a concrete plan for new forms of taxation and increasing revenue.