We are journalists. We are independent. We are self-funded.

Foundation of The Billion Press

We are a non-profit (section 8 company under The Companies Act, 2013, in India) noted for our edit page columns in leading newspapers. We write with a focus on everyday people and with the objective of bringing to light people less seen, voices less heard and perspectives less argued. The Billion in our name refers to the billion and more who make up India, and particularly the disadvantaged. 

A focus on people less seen, voices less heard, perspectives less argued

We hold that the era of journalists employed to do the bidding of employers and advertisers has passed. Traditional business models are under challenge. Change is is at hand, and it is messy. Journalists can, must, and indeed are in many remarkable cases, leading this change.  

This view [They who know not what the media is] by our Editor Jagdish Rattanani in the EPW [Dec. 2022] discusses how and why the future of the news media cannot be in large, "established" names who give in or get taken down rather easily. 

We seek to play our part in experimenting with and scripting new models that are free of vested interests, models that can inform, educate, help build a well-reasoned, fact-based point of view rather than ideas bandied about on channels like WhatsApp. In doing so, we hope to promote a better understanding of the complex issues that face us today.

We are ad-free, self-funded and have exciting, innovative projects that are under execution, an example of which is an initiative called 'Gosh!' This project asks the question: "Gosh, what have we done to Gandhi?" 

'Gosh!' will work to debunk the misunderstandings and a new wave of misinformation that is being spread to misinterpret, denigrate and even demonise Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation.