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By Vidyadhar Date |

In a way, Kala Nagar and adjoining buildings are highly privileged because of the Thackeray presence.  A sound barrier is put up between the area and the Bandra…

By Ajit Ranade |
The Prime Minister in a pre-election address made the rather unexpected announcement that the three contentious farm laws would be repealed in the next session of…
By Jagdish Rattanani |
There are many ways to see the sudden change of the Prime Minister’s position on the farm laws that have led to farmer protests for more than a year now. By any account…
By Jagdish Rattanani |
Many governments in free India have reached their low point as a result of communal violence. Riots begin small but explode in no time to take on proportions that can be…
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The world is slowly recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic. The jolt in terms of loss of life, disruption of world order and the death and suffering have brought pain and…
By Vidyadhar Date |

Was surprised to find an ultra long grey vanity luxury van parked inside the Bandra Reclamation bus station this morning.

By Ajit Ranade |
This week marks the fifth anniversary of the day demonetisation was sprung on the nation at merely four hours’ notice. The Prime Minister announced at 8pm on November 8
By Vidyadhar Date |

It was a pleasant surprise this morning to see the space under the flyover used so imaginatively.

By Ishan Chauhan |
It is absolutely essential to drastically cut down short term climate pollutants. Black carbon which is one of the components in fireworks, is one such pollutant.
By Jagdish Rattanani |
Shah Rukh Khan once said: “First get rich, then become a philosopher.” It’s now time for him to look up to Balraj Sahni, who told a JNU convocation in 1972: “Whenever I…
By Ajit Ranade |
Profits are rising because of higher demand, and higher prices being commanded. This is true for companies across sectors like fast moving consumer goods (i.e., foods…
By Vidyadhar Date |

Police who are in the news for fabricating cases against innocent activists seem to have no time to act against criminal motorists threatening innocent lives.

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It would not be out of line to see New Delhi as a physical representation of colonial India. The body of the city was laid out with the magnificent Viceregal Palace set…
By Vidyadhar Date |

With all the controversy on the Aryan Khan drug issue, this may not be the right time to ask.

By Vidyadhar Date |

A premier library  is being eyed  by some  as a real estate  bonanza.  The Mumbai Marathi Granth Sangrahalaya near…