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By Jagdish Rattanani, Saamdu Chetri |
Our relationship with nature is delightfully summed up in this quote from the popular tele-serial ‘Boston Legal’. As…
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Robert Koch discovered tuberculosis (TB) bacteria nearly 140 years ago, making this one of the earliest diseases to…
By Jagdish Rattanani, Saamdu Chetri |
A lot of economic frenzy that drives GDP has gone away, forced shut by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This means the way we live…
By Jagdish Rattanani, Saamdu Chetri |
For so many students sitting in their homes and not knowing when the lockdown will end for their particular schools or…
By John Chelladurai |
‘Social distancing’ has become the phrase of the year, perhaps the decade. An essential practice in the given situation…
By Ajit Ranade |
Why do people repay a loan? Firstly, because they are bound by a loan contract to repay. If they break the contract,…
By T Jacob John, Dhanya Dharmapalan |
Covid has altered everybody's life, but the closure of schools has meant the impact on the very young could be…
By T Jacob John |
Across India, about 1.5 million schools were shut as part of the nation-wide lockdown, affecting 247 million children,…
By Arup Kumar Dutta |
The Covid-19 novel coronavirus continues to spread, by now afflicting all continents except the Antarctic. At the time…
By Errol D'Souza |
Is migration to urban areas advantageous for rural migrants? The recent events as migrants fled for their villages as…
By Jagdish Rattanani |
In a course on journalism that I taught years ago, one exercise I often asked was for the class to roam around Mumbai’s…
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More than a 100 years ago, Mahatma Gandhi exhorted us not to be mesmerised by modernity. The COVID-19 pandemic in many…
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Death happens to everyone; but except in about 10% people where death comes suddenly, it happens with a slowly…
By Ranjit K Pattnaik |
The monetary policy and associated statements and documents announced on Thursday (Aug. 06) unfold uncertainties that…