Columns, et al

Columns by date


By Tushar Gandhi |
While Delhi the national capital was being decked up for the grand celebration of independence and the transfer of power, and Indians geared up to celebrate independence…
By Arup Kumar Dutta |
The people of North-East India have been, in numerous ways, paying the price for geopolitical remoteness. The reality that, after Partition, this region was tenuously…
By Sudarshan Iyengar, Jagdish Rattanani |
The growing influence of large and powerful business conglomerates continue to raise concerns, not only in India but across the world. Suspicions have risen high these…
By Vidyadhar Date |

There was overwhelming audience response to the online felicitation held recently in honour of historian Irfan Habib on his 90th birthday.

By Ajit Ranade |
In 2016 the government led by Prime Minister Modi said that farmers’ in-comes would be doubled by 2022. It was meant to convey an ambitious target. It was also a…
By Tushar Gandhi |
To convert a shrine of our independence movement and the life of the couple who lived there into a tourist plaza, an amusement park. That is their real intention.
By Himadri Bhattacharya |
As widely anticipated, the Monetary Policy Committee of the Reserve Bank of India kept the policy repo and reverse repo rates as well as the accommodative stance…
By Vidyadhar Date |

Babasaheb Purandare, who passed away yesterday at the age of 99, perhaps did more than anyone to spread the cult of  Shivaji in Maharashtra in his long career.…

By Jagdish Rattanani |
The argument that the data from this act of illegal snooping was available not to the Israeli company/group that sold the stuff but only to the Indian government that…
By Vidyadhar Date |

During my morning walk at Pali Hill, saw a board outside the site of Dilip Kumar’s demolished bungalow covered by a compound of tin sheets.

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The Cooperative Credit Structure (CCS) in India is broadly made up of urban cooperatives and rural cooperatives. The urban CCS is mostly the Urban Cooperative Bank (UCB…
By Lekha Rattanani |
The official death count due to Covid-19 in India stood at over 400,000 around mid-July. It is widely understood and accepted that the actual death toll is many times…
By Ranjit K Pattnaik |
The build-up in foreign exchange reserves to US$ 610.01 billion as on July 02, 2021, an increase of around US$ 33 billion over March 2021 and US $96.8 billion on a y-o-y…
By Vidyadhar Date |

Google  translation can  create  unintended humour, worse when it is in an obituary.

By Vidyadhar Date |

Satish Kalsekar was a very important writer in many ways. Poems for Lenin.