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This column, provided here to illustrate Mr.

By Jagdish Rattanani |
The asking price from the builders is (artificially held) steady and some are working almost like cartels to hold on to high-cost inventory rather than see the prices…
By Ajit Ranade |

Crude oil prices have sharply risen by almost 25 per cent in the past two months. There are several reasons for this.

By Himadri Bhattacharya |
A narrow direct-tax base, a retrograde direct-indirect tax structure, widespread tax evasion, complex tax rules, an inefficient and rent-seeking tax administration have…
By John Chelladurai |

The ban on cattle slaughter has come honoring the sentiments of millions of Indians.

By Ajit Ranade |
The comparison with Pokhran can only be stretched so far. Unlike the Pokhran test, demonetisation has affected each and every Indian. If it turns out to be a net…
By Ranjit K Pattnaik, Jagdish Rattanani |
The problems of weak balance sheet and weak capital base are the result of inefficiency and mismanagement of the PSU banks. It also is a typical case of lack of…
By Ajit Ranade |
The others, including foreign shareholders too must put in funds. At what price will they be given this chance? Did they not enjoy windfall benefits of their stock value…
By Ranjit K Pattnaik, Jagdish Rattanani |
The RBI has been unable to exert itself on a crucial parameter, even when that crucial parameter impacts the way the RBI reaches its targets. What then does it tell us…
By Martin Macwan |
The cases of recent violent caste-related attacks on dalit youth for sporting moustaches in Gujarat’s Gandhinagar district are an indicator of simmering tensions and…
By Ajit Ranade |
Can we focus on eliminating the loophole of tax shelters in direct taxes? Can we reduce the burden of indirect taxes, which hurt the poor more than rich? The list of…
By Jagdish Rattanani |
The ill-effects of a host of rash moves like the rushed implementation of GST, the hare-brained scheme of demonetisation, non-action on black money and corruption, lack…
By Ranjit K Pattnaik, Jagdish Rattanani |
In the above context, what matters is not really the reduction in the policy rate, which is a signal to the banking system, but how this signal is transmitted and…
By Himadri Bhattacharya |
MPC's decision to maintain status quo is a reflection of its mandate to steer the inflation trajectory closer to 4%. The easing cycle that began in January, 2015 has…
By Usha Thorat |
As inflation had increased by two percentage points since the last policy -although below the target of four per cent –no one seriously expected the inflation targeting…