Columns, et al

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By Ajit Ranade |
This year China completes fifteen years of its WTO membership. According to the conditions of its entry, it was guaranteed an MES latest by the end of 15 years, no…
By Haresh Jagtiani |

I’d be perfectly willing to match wits and join issues with a vegetarian or a vegan who questions my desire to eat beef.

By Arun Maira |
India has the highest GDP growth in the world today. But are we doing as well as we want to? When the Governor of the Reserve Bank posed this question, he was…
By K.Kanagasabapathy |
While public policies are aimed at improving the lot of the “common man”, he may not be benefited to the full extent and at times may become a victim to such policies if…
By Ajit Ranade |
Can ecommerce be a major job-creating engine? As India struggles to create 12 million jobs annually, this question is very pertinent. To the extent that ecommerce does…
By Ajit Ranade |
Measured as the Gini coefficient of income distribution, India fares better than Brazil and possibly China and Russia. But in wealth inequality terms we fare much worse…
By Ranjit K Pattnaik, Jagdish Rattanani |
The Reserve Bank of India’s “State Finances: A Study of Budgets 2015-16” is a service to the nation and deserves to be studied threadbare if we are to understand where…
By Sudarshan Iyengar |
Shouldn’t the education to children equip them with relevant skills so that they get productively engaged as adults in multi sector economic activities in villages?…
By Sudarshan Iyengar |
The ‘patidars’, who are Patels, a surname noted for being numerically the most popular Indian last name in the US, are angry and agitating against the government because…
By Usha Thorat |
If the RBI feels that interest rates should be lowered keeping in view that inflationary pressures are reducing and expectations are getting softened, the impact on the…
By Arun Maira |
The country is open to citizens’ protests: on the streets, in the press, and increasingly in a hyper-active social media. Issues can be raised in the public space. But…
By Ajit Ranade |
In the last couple of years the dumping ground has become a deadly menace. Frequently fires break out, causing acrid smoke, suffocating the people who live in nearby…
By Ranjit K Pattnaik, Jagdish Rattanani |
The goal of transforming India by working for the benefit of farmers, poor and the vulnerable is highly laudable but it is not in sync with approach adopted for…
By Ajit Ranade |
A former RBI Governor once said, that the lobby for rate cuts is very strong, but nobody calls for a rate hike on behalf of depositors. Those people who depend on “fixed…
By Yashwant Thorat |
The key sentiment is “please show us the implementation and ensure transmission of policy without leakages”. While the budget has been marketed as a pro-poor, pro-farmer…