Greater Kashmir

Columns by date


By Ajit Ranade |
Almost five weeks into the lockdown, it is clear that we are going to have a long hard summer. The economic hardships…
By Ranjit K Pattnaik, Jagdish Rattanani |
There is no one to lend to, since economic activity is down, and so the funds end up in the vaults of the RBI to earn…
By Ajit Ranade |
The official stock of food-grain with the Food Corporation of India stood at 77.7 million tonnes as of March 1. This…
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What would be the prospects of the workers trapped in a sharecropping relationship once the lockdown is over? Will…
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India’s working class, currently under a lockdown, seems to be training themselves for a life-threatening battle with…
By Thomas Isaac |
It was about a week back that Kerala had the dubious distinction of having the highest number of patients in the…
By Pavitra Mohan |
A simple document, some facts and good referencing to separate myth from reality in the time of COVID-19
By Ajit Ranade |
The title of this column is actually a very fertile and active area of research in the economics and finance academic…
By Jagdish Rattanani |
India’s vast, mostly unregulated and fast-growing shadow banking sector is in the midst of a crisis. This is a fire…
By Ajit Ranade |
In the next five years India aims to become a five trillion dollar economy. It’s a nice round number, although the word…
By Ajit Ranade |
The interim budget in February gave a substantial stimulus to the taxpayer. Almost three crore taxpayers moved out of…
By Jagdish Rattanani |
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has focused on the water crisis facing the nation in his first Mann Ki Baat of the post-…
By Ganesh N Devy |
It was the remarkable foresight of the makers of the Indian Constitution that they thought of creating a dedicated…