Common citizen
Columns by date
By Haresh Jagtiani |
Chipping away at the periphery of a person’s lifestyle would be the surest way to strike at the core of his being. And…
By Jagdish Rattanani |
Infosys has been the crown jewel of the Indian corporate sector, a mascot for growth driven by values. The story of how…
If one accepts IIM-A surveys, then the pressure is on the RBI to prove that its surveys are better. This is a technical…
It is not inflation control per se which is important but the anchoring of inflation expectations when it comes to…
What we have unfolding before us is the changing character of nationalised banking system, and early signs of sharp…
By Ajit Ranade |
In the meantime, spare a thought for the depositor. Her return on savings is now merely 3.5 percent. Don’t ask her to…
By Usha Thorat |
It is to be expected that RBI will focus more on ensuring durable inflation closer to the target level as that is what…
The obsession with GDP growth is despite the fact that the number is not easily relatable to anything the citizen feels…
By Ajit Ranade |
A great transformation awaits digital India in the next five years, and it is all centered around a resource called “…
Earlier, where some businesses manipulated the system, today we have liberalised and opened the floodgates so that…
By Ajit Ranade |
The recent episode of farm loan waivers once again brings the farm sector woes in focus. It is hoped that in these…
By Arun Maira |
Participative and well conducted multi-stakeholder processes increase social solidarity, which makes good societies.…
By Ajit Ranade |
The full impact of tax reform and attendant benefits are only possible when we implement both direct and indirect tax…
By Sudarshan Iyengar |
As Gandhiji’s grandson Gopalkrishna Gandhi has rightly remarked, Amit Shah’s remark that he was a clever bania was…
The response to the loan waivers has been along predictable lines. A loan, after all, is meant to be paid back and the…