Columns by date
By Thomas Isaac |
The global economy and the national economy are facing a crisis which by scale and nature is unprecedented in modern…
By Indira Hirway |
We are witnessing a great humanitarian tragedy unfolding right in front of our eyes: large groups of hungry and jobless…
There are unanswered questions around the origin, spread and transparency of communications about SARS-CoV-2, the virus…
There is belated realisation among health experts, policymakers and elected representatives that the SARS Coronavirus…
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The heart-wrenching ghastly incident of 16 migrants being mowed down under a running goods train in Maharashtra on May…
By Ajit Ranade |
What if you lose your job, but not health insurance? What if you lose your monthly income but get paid unemployment…
By Lekha Rattanani |
A highly strained relationship between Maharashtra and New Delhi is being tested by the recent decision of the Modi…
There have been concerns about how the Centre itself records these numbers, given that the official narrative is that…
By Ranjit K Pattnaik |
In a surprise move, the Government of India (GoI) in consultation with the RBI has enhanced the magnitude of its gross…
By Aseem Shrivastava |
Workers left to starve to death, while air force jets generously spray hospitals with rose petals from the air. (Oil…
By M A Kalam |
Covid-19 is a jolt to the way we work and live. The response, what the IMF has called “The Great Lockdown”, was a…
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In our fight against Covid-19, lockdown 1.0 lasted 21 days. Lockdown 2.0, which is now nearing the end, is for 19 days…
By Sudarshan Iyengar |
The Chicago convention in 1884 of the Federation of Organised Trades and Labour Unions resolved that “eight hours shall…
By Jagdish Rattanani |
Imagine a post-Covid India in which the most important persons in the Union Cabinet are not the Ministers of Finance,…
By Ajit Ranade |
Almost five weeks into the lockdown, it is clear that we are going to have a long hard summer. The economic hardships…