Inclusive growth

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By Ranjit K Pattnaik, Jagdish Rattanani |
The bitterness of the US election as also the anti-women and ugly remarks of the GOP nominee Donald Trump, who…
By Ranjit K Pattnaik, Jagdish Rattanani |
Women account for nearly 50 per cent of world population but account for only about 41 per cent of the formal work…
By Martin Macwan |
The vulnerability of women to sexual and other violence in the context of caste has been a sorry feature of our…
By Usha Thorat |
So the long awaited policy - the first policy from a newly set up and newly constituted MPC, the first policy of the…
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Research and teaching go hand-in-hand because the excitement of new research is then passed on to the students. Most of…
By Ajit Ranade |
The key difference between advanced and emerging economies is in their educational attainment. This was the observation…
By Martin Macwan |
There seems to be limited options for dalits in India for their ‘own’ independence. They have to create their own…
By Arun Maira |
Whichever method a government chooses for governance of the country, it must improve its ability to use it. Dictators…
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The real new item on the menu is the Bharatiya Janata Party’s one seat in the assembly. Both the BJP side and the anti-…
By Arun Maira |
India has the highest GDP growth in the world today. But are we doing as well as we want to? When the Governor of the…
By K.Kanagasabapathy |
While public policies are aimed at improving the lot of the “common man”, he may not be benefited to the full extent…
By Ajit Ranade |
Measured as the Gini coefficient of income distribution, India fares better than Brazil and possibly China and Russia.…
By Sudarshan Iyengar |
Shouldn’t the education to children equip them with relevant skills so that they get productively engaged as adults in…
By Ajit Ranade |
In the last couple of years the dumping ground has become a deadly menace. Frequently fires break out, causing acrid…
By Yashwant Thorat |
The key sentiment is “please show us the implementation and ensure transmission of policy without leakages”. While the…