
Columns by date


By Jagdish Rattanani |
We are living through one of the darkest periods of independent India. The Emergency was bad. This is soul wrenching,…
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There is growing awareness of the connection between health and climate change, leading nations to invest in new plans…
By Ganesh N Devy |
“No Indian citizen should fear the Citizenship Amendment Act 2019.” Well said Amitbhai! My sisters and brothers who are…
By Nawshir Mirza |
Boards of corporations are supposed to comprise of sage individuals of a higher order than homo sapiens. In the popular…
By Aseem Shrivastava , Aryaman Jain, Irina Cheema |
The Indian economy is going through a significant slump. Industrial output contracted 3.8 per cent in October from a…
By Jagdish Rattanani |
The nation is in a sorry state. Parts of the sensitive North East are in flames. The fire is spreading to West Bengal,…
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The Union government in India led by Modi has passed in the Lok Sabha the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019, which…
By Nawshir Mirza |
Even the continuous blare of a Trump-et cannot divert attention from the existential risk posed to humankind and to the…
By Arun Maira |
The power of new technologies must be used to benefit the lives of many, rather than maximise the wealth of a few
By Jagdish Rattanani |
This is the second consecutive CEO to drive straight into a crisis related to governance at a company that is known to…
By M Damodaran |
At the heart of the matter is the failure of a multi-state cooperative bank, which is no more than a cooperative…
By Jagdish Rattanani |
Last weekend, as the authorities began felling trees, swarms of riot police descended in the wooded enclave that is…
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Actions do speak louder than words. The Indian government has for several months now been blowing its own trumpet at…