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By Jagdish Rattanani, T Jacob John |

In this longish conversation, Dr. T Jacob John talks to Jagdish Rattanani about R0, R and explains why he believes an avalanche is coming to hit us.…

By Arun Maira |
We need you send money into the hands of the poor. The big question is, where will the money come from?
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By the time this story attracts the attention of hassled stakeholders, the curtains on the rescue act of YES Bank would have come down and another bank failure in India…
By Pavitra Mohan, Nachiket Mor |
The detection, isolation and management of coronavirus-infected people in India has so far been largely dependent on hospitals. This must change, given the evidence that…
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What would be the prospects of the workers trapped in a sharecropping relationship once the lockdown is over? Will they be paid their wage dues?
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India’s working class, currently under a lockdown, seems to be training themselves for a life-threatening battle with the authorities guided by these age-old homilies.
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A memorandum signed by doctors and endorsed by us, asking that patient privacy be maintained to guard against stigmatisation.
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This is a time to focus our attention on fighting COVID-19, not fanning communal fires. Pic: A section of the protestors gathered at Shaheen Bagh, New Delhi. Inside:…
By Thomas Isaac |
It was about a week back that Kerala had the dubious distinction of having the highest number of patients in the country with 137 confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection.…
By Pavitra Mohan |
A simple document, some facts and good referencing to separate myth from reality in the time of COVID-19
By Ajit Ranade |
Despite bitter political bickering, the United States passed its highest ever relief package to support the economy. It is valued at 2.2 trillion dollars, and another…
By Ranjit K Pattnaik |

In times like never before, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has acted like never before.