Columns, et al

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By Jagdish Rattanani |
The projection of a five-member Central team that Covid-19 cases in Mumbai will grow to over 6.5 lakh by May 15 (6,56,407 is the precise figure reported) is alarming to…
By Nachiket Mor, Shaheen Madraswala |
As lockdowns continue to be the most frequently-resorted-to response strategy to the threat of COVID-19, governments world-over face a difficult trade-off between saving…
By Nawshir Mirza |
If you are a director or senior manager of a company, you will be considering or involved in the preparation of the financial statements for 2019-20.
By Ranjit K Pattnaik, Jagdish Rattanani |
There is no one to lend to, since economic activity is down, and so the funds end up in the vaults of the RBI to earn some interest. But of course, this is precisely…
By Nawshir Mirza |
How are directors supposed to make use of the transactional approach? Basically, to challenge management — not in an aggressive fashion or to score brownie points; but…
By Jagdish Rattanani, T Jacob John |

In a conversation with Jagdish Rattanani, Dr.

By Errol D'Souza |
Many entrepreneurs are engaged in activities where social value is destroyed. There is value in upgrading organisations so that they do not provide low pay, hazardous…
By Jagdish Rattanani, T Jacob John |

The lockdown has proved to be a fruitless exercise in ensuring social distancing and reducing people-to-people contact, explains Dr. T Jacob John.

By Ajit Ranade |
The official stock of food-grain with the Food Corporation of India stood at 77.7 million tonnes as of March 1. This includes 27.5 million tonnes of wheat and 50.2…