Columns, et al

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By Jagdish Rattanani |
Given the national noise and the disruptions, the temper and the fury that now permeate our public discourses, it is easy to forget that we are in 2020, which, as it was…
By M Govinda Rao |
The Budget to be presented on February 1 is being keenly watched for a number of reasons. First, the Finance Minister has to do a tight rope walk in balancing the…
By Jagdish Rattanani |
In the current times, the biggest problem with unpacking the economic situation is that economic levers are seen in isolation, as if this is a game of smart moves,…
By Ajit Ranade |
The upcoming Union Budget presentation will be the first full year budget in the Seventeenth Lok Sabha. The backdrop is a slowing economy, badly in need of a fiscal…
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Great science results from great contestation. It is in this spirit that I have contested the assertion by the leadership of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO…
By Ranjit K Pattnaik |
The Indian economy is at the crossroads, grappling as it is now with a massive slowdown and escalating inflation. The endeavour of the authorities to counter this…
By Ajit Ranade |
In last year’s Independence Day speech, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had spoken about investing 100 lakh crore rupees (or Rs.100 trillion) into infrastructure in the…
By Arun Maira |
“The time has come,” said the Walrus to the Carpenter in Lewis Carrol’s poem, “to talk of many things”. The year 2019 was an anus horribilis for corporate governance in…
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The internet has become an inextricable part of life. The recent shutdown of the internet in various parts of India has generated a lot of debate. Most commentators have…
By Vappala Balachandran |
President Donald Trump’s speech to the nation on January 8 morning American time turned out to be a step towards “de-escalation” as anticipated by several observers…
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Violence of an unprecedented kind flared up at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) on Sunday evening, drawing recriminations from people across all walks of life,…
By Nawshir Mirza |
It sounds progressive and high-minded but is, in reality, turning a necessity into a virtue. It is a red herring to mislead critics of corporate abuse into believing…
By Nawshir Mirza |
Well intentioned boards and “promoters” of companies look for a variety of attributes in their directors. These include knowledge of the business and expertise in any of…
By Jagdish Rattanani |
We are living through one of the darkest periods of independent India. The Emergency was bad. This is soul wrenching, not only because we feel it here and now, in flesh…
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There is growing awareness of the connection between health and climate change, leading nations to invest in new plans and strategies but not many are committing…